Are you a God’s Girl?

A God’s girl is one who has committed her life to God.

She loves the lord with all of her heart, mind, soul and spirit. She is chosen by God, forgiven and saved by grace. She looks to GOD for absolutely everything. She knows that God has a specific plan for her life and that he’s responsible for her well-being. She knows where her help comes from. She is the apple of God’s eye. Her mission is to be in God’s perfect will, live a life pleasing to God and is available to be used by him at any time. She delights in God’s word and loves to commune with God in prayer. Nothing is for sure, but God’s love for her is. God showers her with favor, blessings, protection and influence. If you are not a God’s girl yet, it’s not too late. He’s always there and is waiting for you to draw near to him. If you draw near to him, he will in turn draw near to you.

Prayer of Salvation to become a Gods Girl

God I want to be one of your favorite girls. Please forgive me for my sins. I know that you love me. I believe you sent your son to die for me on the cross and to raise up three days later for the remission of my sins. God I need you in my life. Take control and help me to be what you have called me to be. Search me and take everything out of me that’s not like you. Take my heart and mind. I want to be right before you and whole.

Thank you for saving me. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you that I am now a God’s girl

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